Dear customers, 

we welcome you to the website of the municipal reservation system "Plzeňská vstupenka", through which you can book online, order or directly purchase tickets for cultural and sports events offered by this reservation system. In this section, you will find all the necessary information on how tickets can be reserved, ordered or directly purchased online through the "Plzenská vstupenka" portal. 



The homepage of the portal always displays a current offer, alerting you to interesting events. You can search for events by type via the Theatre, Cinema, Music, Festival, Sport, Children and Others navigation. Furthermore, events can be searched not only using the full text and advanced search, but also by marking a specific day in the calendar.

By clicking on the date of the event you have selected, the hall will be displayed, from which you can select tickets for your virtual basket.


In this section, you will find a list of all types of reservations that the city reservation system "Pilsen Ticket" offers to internet users of the portal.

Types of reservations and their limits:

  • Pre-sale box office - personal collection of tickets

Tickets can be reserved up to 6 calendar days before the date of the event, the reservation is valid for 1-3 days.

  • Payment by bank transfer in the Czech Republic - delivery of tickets by post within the Czech Republic - Valuable writing

Tickets can be reserved up to 14 calendar days before the event.

  • Payment by bank transfer in the Czech Republic – eVstupenka

Tickets can be reserved up to 7 calendar days before the event.

  • Payment on invoice – eVstupenka

Tickets can be reserved up to 14 calendar days before the event.


NOTICE: In the final step of the reservation, payment information is displayed - the account number for payment for the reservation and the variable symbol. The amount for the reserved tickets and the handling fee (if the tickets are sent by post to your address) must be added to the account specified in the final step of the reservation by the date of validity of the reservation. After this date, the outstanding booking will be automatically cancelled. We recommend making the payment by bank transfer immediately after booking the tickets.

  •  Pre-sale checkout

With this method of ticket reservation, you pay when you pick them up at one of the points of sale of the Plzeňská ustuppenka reservation system, according to the currently displayed list.

  • Payment by bank transfer in the Czech Republic

This type of payment for reserved tickets is only possible if you pay for the tickets through banks in the Czech Republic.

  • Payment on invoice

Tickets must be paid by the reservation validity date at the point of sale of the Central Reservation Office (CRK). An invoice will be issued to you after payment.


Personal collection of tickets

In the final step of the reservation, you will see a list of points of sale where you can pick up and pay for the reserved tickets.

Delivery of tickets by post in the Czech Republic - Valuable writing 

After adding the amount for the reserved tickets and the handling fee to the account specified in the last step of the reservation, the tickets will be sent to the address specified in the reservation. You can use this delivery type to deliver tickets to an address within the Czech Republic. Handling fee for ticket delivery to your address is 129 CZK.


If you choose this method of delivery of reserved tickets, you will be able to print the tickets on your printer after adding the amount for the tickets to the account specified in the last step of the reservation. You can print eTickets from the "My purchases" section, which you can find after logging into "My Account" on our portal. To print an eTicket, you need a program that allows you to print the document in PDF format (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader). Tickets can also be used in electronic form - for example on a smartphone


In this section, you will find a list of all types of orders that the "Pilsen Ticket" city reservation system allows for internet users of the portal.


On invoice - delivery of tickets by post in the Czech Republic - Valuable writing

Tickets can be ordered up to 14 calendar days before the event.


On the invoice 

The central reservation office will issue and send you a Request for payment, based on these documents, you will pay for the tickets. It is necessary that the amount for the order, it was added to the account specified in the Call for payment by the due date. When placing an order, please enter all necessary billing information (Company, billing address, ID, VAT number, contact) in the MESSAGE TO ORGANIZER field. 

Delivery of tickets by post in the Czech Republic - Valuable writing

After adding the amount for the reserved tickets and the handling fee to the account specified in the last step of the reservation, the tickets will be sent to the address specified in the reservation. You can use this type of delivery to deliver tickets to an address within the Czech Republic. The handling fee for the delivery of tickets to your address is CZK 129.


In this section you will find a list of all types of ticket purchases that the city reservation system "Pilsen Ticket" allows for Internet users of the portal.


  • Payment by credit card online - delivery of tickets by post in the Czech Republic - Valuable writing

Tickets can be purchased up to 10 calendar days before the event.

  • Payment by payment card online – eVstupenka

Tickets can be purchased up to 1 calendar day before the event.

NOTICE: The event organizer may not support all ticket order types listed. Each type of ticket order has a limit set individually by the organizer until when tickets can be ordered in this way on the reservation portal. Allowed order types with the specified ticket delivery method it is always listed directly in the hall of the selected event together with the permitted types of reservations and purchases.

If the limit of all types of ticket orders is exceeded for a given event, information is displayed in the event hall that tickets can no longer be reserved. In this case, it will no longer be possible to add additional places to the virtual basket.

After completing the ticket order, the order number and name will always be displayed on the screen.

When tickets are delivered by post, a handling fee for postage and packaging may be added to the ticket price. This fee is displayed when selecting tickets in the hall according to the selected order type and ticket delivery.


Payment by bank card online takes place on the basis of the ČSOB payment gateway. This gateway allows you to accept VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard bank cards

and Maestro in online transactions based on a standard called 3-D Secure for the unique identification of all parties involved in the transaction. The main advantage of the payment gateway is a significant increase in the security of transactions from the point of view of all involved parties – the cardholder, the merchant, the issuing bank and the clearing bank.

 How to pay for selected tickets via payment card online:

After selecting the tickets, you will be prompted to pay for the tickets via the PAY button. After clicking on this button, the system will redirect you to the ČSOB payment gateway, where you will be prompted to enter the details of your card, which you will use to pay for tickets (card number and validity, control code – CVC 2, CVV2). On this screen, you will see the name of the merchant to whom you are paying the amount for the tickets, the amount for the tickets you have selected and the order number.

If you use a secure card in the 3-D Security System, you will be prompted to enter
a password to authorize online payment on the following page.

If the card payment in the system is successful, your order will be assigned an identification number and you will be automatically redirected back to the reservation portal, where you will be informed of a positive result. You will then be able to print an overview of tickets paid for by bank card.

If the ticket payment is unsuccessful, you will also be automatically redirected back to the booking portal, where the payment result will be displayed. The tickets you selected will be released from the virtual basket back into sale.

Payment authorization may not be confirmed for the following reasons:

  • Wrong payment card data entered by mistake,
  • At the time of payment, the customer's account did not have sufficient cash to make the payment,
  • The payment card is not permitted to be used for transactions on the Internet. In this case, it is necessary to contact the card issuer directly - your bank,
  • Technical problem or other problem with the card – expiration, limit exceeded, technical problem in the authorization center, etc.


Registration on the reservation portal is optional if you are interested in reserving tickets with subsequent payment at the pre-sale box office (pre-sale box office reservation type - personal collection of tickets) or delivery of tickets using the eVstupenka type.

Registration is mandatory for delivery of tickets to the address. If you do not register before selecting an event and adding tickets to the virtual basket, you will be prompted to do so during the reservation/order/purchase.

The advantage of registering on the reservation portal is subsequent access to the user's reservations/orders that he made through this reservation portal or that he purchased online with a payment card through this reservation portal. You can see an overview of reservations, orders and purchased tickets via MY ACCOUNT.

Part of the registration is the option to tick the option "I agree to receive updates by e-mail". Here you have the opportunity to choose the organizations and types of events you wish to be informed about on a regular weekly basis. In this way, you will not miss any premiere and you will know in time about all the news or any changes that may occur in the program.

Registration procedure:

  • Click on the MY ACCOUNT tab and then on "Register"
  • Fill in all mandatory information
  • If you want to be informed about all the news of the reservation system, check
    "I agree to receive updates by e-mail". Subsequently, the offer of organizations and types of events will be expanded. The selection of the entire menu is automatically set. If you do not want to be informed about the actions of any of the displayed organizations or types of actions, simply uncheck the given parameter.
  • Confirm your registration by clicking the Register button
  • For each subsequent purchase or reservation of tickets, you will then log into the system via the Login section by filling in your e-mail and password.
  • You can edit your registration after logging in to the portal by clicking on the link "Editing Personal Data".


To log in to the booking portal, you must enter your email and password in the same format, as entered during registration. The system distinguishes between upper and lower case letters, as well as diacritics.


If you forget the password for logging in to the reservation portal, you can use the option of sending the password to the email address that was entered during registration. You can request a forgotten password via the MY ACCOUNT icon, see SEND FORGOTTEN PASSWORD.


Once you find the event you are interested in in the menu of published events, click on its date to get to the event hall.


By clicking on the vacancy you have selected, you will place it in the virtual basket. After entering the hall, you will find information about price categories and a description of free and occupied seats under the name and date of the performance. By clicking on the "Add to basket" button, you will place the selected tickets in the basket, which will be displayed immediately. This will take you to the so-called recapitulation of the reservation, where there will be an overview of the tickets you have selected, as well as the possibility of choosing the method of delivery of the tickets and the method of payment. In case of incorrect ticket selection, individual tickets can be removed from the basket by pressing the "x" button. 


In this step, you need to fill in your personal information. For a quick purchase that does not require a registered account, just fill in your first name, last name, e-Ticket delivery
e-mail address and phone number.

If you have already created an account on our website, enter your e-mail and password.

If you do not have an account registered, you can create a registration in this step.

Why is it good to have an account? After logging in to your account, you can view the "My purchases" section, where you can see all the orders and reservations you have made. In the "My account'" section, personal data can also be edited, for example the delivery address, which will be preset for sending the valuable writing (paper form of the eTicket). At the same time, there is an option to print your eTicket if you cannot find it in your


In this step, the reservation is completed, when the system generates a reservation number for you, which is important for further manipulation of the reserved tickets. To make a payment, you need to "tick" your agreement to the terms and conditions and click on the "Continue" button. Subsequently, you will be shown detailed information about the reservation and the required payment information

to make the transfer, or a payment gateway will be displayed if you decide to pay for tickets online by card.

NOTICE: The organizer of the event can individually set a limit on the number of tickets that can be inserted into the virtual basket in one transaction.


My purchases

Registered user of the "Pilsen Ticket" portal of the Municipal Reservation Systém via the MY ACCOUNT icon in the MY PURCHASES section, you can view a list of your reservations/orders that you have made through this portal or that you have purchased online with a payment card through this portal. Both canceled and completed orders and reservations can be searched.

For each of the individual reservations or orders, it is possible to click on the details of the given order incl. tax document, or there is an option to print an eTicket (if you specified the eTicket delivery method when selecting tickets).

To print an eTicket, you need a program that allows you to print the document in PDF format (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Editing data

In this section, you can edit registration and contact information, or fill in the billing address. After logging in to the MY ACCOUNT section, the current password can be changed.

NOTICE: Neither the organizer nor the seller is responsible for any difficulties caused by unauthorized use or copying of the eTicket. The eTicket must be kept in a safe place to prevent misuse. Entry to the event will be allowed only on the basis of the eTicket that passes the inspection